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It changes the current drawing color to blue.

Pen Color

Think of the Graphics object as being like a sheet of paper, some colored pens, and some drawing methods. Use the following to set the color of the paper to white:

gr.setColor( Color.white );
gr.fillRect( 0, 0, width, height );

where gr is a reference to the Graphics object. Use the following method of the Graphics object to change the pen color:

gr.setColor( Color.somecolor );

Several million colors are possible, but for now, use the pre-defined colors:

Color.red         Color.orange     
Color.blue        Color.magenta    
Color.gray        Color.darkGray   
Color.yellow      Color.green
Color.white       Color.black
Color.lightGray   Color.pink

These are static values from the class Color. (Look at the documentation under Color to see how to set other colors.)


What happened to purple?